World Bipolar Day (WBD) is an initiative of the International Society for Bipolar Disorders (ISBD), the International Bipolar Foundation (IBPF), and the Asian Network of Bipolar Disorder (ANBD).
World Bipolar Day is celebrated each year on March 30th, the birthday of Vincent Van Gogh. Van Gogh has posthumously diagnosed as having bipolar disorder.
The idea of World Bipolar Day is to bring world awareness to bipolar disorders, fight social stigma, and educate and improve sensitivity towards the illness.
Bipolar disorder can be a life-long mental health issue significantly affecting your mood. You can experience episodes of mania and depression.
You may feel well between these times. When your mood changes, you might see changes in your energy levels or how you act. The symptoms of bipolar disorder can be severe. They can affect all areas of your life.
Read more on Bipolar Disorders:
– What Are Bipolar Disorders?, APA (American Psychiatric Association)
– Bipolar disorder, APA (American Psychological Association)
– Bipolar Disorder, Drugwatch